Thursday, September 28, 2006


Tuesday 26th Sep 06

Deepa and the kids have left for Ludhiana today.

It’s the first time in almost 3 years that I will be all by my lonesome self.

Infact at first it was difficult to re-call what it felt like even during my bachelor days, to be living alone.

Such is the all pervasiveness of wedlock and child-rearing.

My observations on the experience of so far :

v I could play music at the volume I wanted, anytime of the day or night.
v I could listen to that music with the door of the loo wide open while I took a shower or whatever.
v Walking naked round the house is my next best luxury [ to the horror of Mrs Kamala Reddy in the neighbouring building ]
v I see stuff lying around the house and briefly wonder how it got there, and then I remember that I myself kept it there a few hours ago.
v I can see the whole house gradually morph into this messy and unkempt look, with stuff lying around, plates, glasses, crumbs, furniture moved around etc. In fact I had half an idea to photograph it day-wise to record how it [d]evolves.
v Finding some of my stuff in the original place I left them is nice, such as my slippers, which usually seem to travel around the house and under furniture.
v Reading till late in the night, and waking up without the crazy rush to go to school with Alisha [ bathe, dress, pack tiffin, do homework, feed breakfast, and drive to school ]
v With the exception of a couple of phone calls during the evenings, I’m silent and reflective with my own thoughts for company.
v I’ve watched more TV in the last 2 days than I have in the last 2 years. And that’s a fact. Speaking of which by the way, I just got a TATA SKY subscription last week, and had a satellite dish installed on my rooftop. The reception and audio quality is fantastic, and the features are lovely. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lunar Eclipse

For those of you who missed it , I'm attaching here some pics of the partial LUNAR ECLIPSE
which commenced 8th Sep 2006 at 2335 hrs and continued till 0100 hrs.
Suggested viewing of pics :
a) Save onto your desktop.
b) View in series, full screen, progressively as ONE TWO THREE ...
c) Observe the Umbra and Penumbra as it develops.
d) Look for the Lunar Oceans and craters in image FIVE where they are clearly visible.
[ monitor resolution set to 1024 x 768 ]
Feel free to circulate these, and if you wish to have them in high resolution copies, let me know.
[ Average file size of each goes up to 4 MB ]

For those who may be interested in the technical aspects of how these images were captured :
a) Canon 350 D [ 8 Megapixel ] digital SLR body
b) f stop 16, exposure time of between 1 sec and 5 sec
c) Sigma 70 - 300 mm tele lens [ using special low dispersion glass and multi-layer lens coating ]
d) UV filter removed to prevent lens flare

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Ethipotla Waterfalls are close to Nagarjunsagar Dam on the great Krishna River.

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As we approach the dam, further upstream Deepa took a ride in a "basket boat", which is a circular basket which serves as a boat. That the water is crocodile infested didn't seem to deter her.

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This is the Nagarjunsagar Dam. [ Downstream ]
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Monday, September 04, 2006


Recently Alisha has been attempting to refine her understanding of God as a concept. Here are some questions I've tried to field in the last 2 months. Mostly, I just pass them on to Deepa...

1) Is God a boy or a girl ?

2) Where does God live ?
[ deepa told her that he lives in our hearts ]

3) If God lives in our heart, how does he make soo-soo and potty ?

4) How can I speak to God ? And if he hears me, why doesn't he speak back to me ?

5) My finger was hurting and I asked God to make it better but its still hurting, why ?

6) If God really loves me as much as you say, why did he not catch me when I fell and bumped my head ?

7) Why are the street children poor ? God made them new, how can they be poor so fast ?

Suggested responses are always welcome.....

[ Circa Sep 2006 ]