Friday, August 23, 2013

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Koraigad Fort

Koraigad Fort : About 30 Km from Lonavala. Rainy monsoon day, misty ghats, beautiful countryside, water falls everywhere.

An hours climb to the fort, monkeys following us for banana chips. Deepa thinking : "Nobody can save me now"....when they drew near. [ 10-15 of them ] .

The fort itself is beautiful, with two / three  small ponds up there. Terrific place.

Later that week we celebrated Deepa's 40th Birthday at home.

I cant seem to remember this last bit, but its been photographed, so I guess it must have happened.....songs were sung I think....

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Self Playing Piano

I saw this at the Delhi airport today. I guess its meant to be some sort of technological marvel, to have a self-playing piano. I'm not sure I was impressed. A self playing piano is the equivalent of an audio recording being played. How can we take the human element out of a musical performance ? 

And when a piece ends, do I clap ? If yes, who for ? The composer, or the company who makes these things ? 

I continue to bear witness to very confusing times....exactly 20 years ago when I worked at a rooftop bar in a star hotel, we had a pianist come in and play Live music during lunch and dinner sessions, or even at the Lounge near the lobby. I would chat with him, give play requests, stand and watch.... but this is something else....

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Email from Alisha to Papa [ 7th Mar 2013 ]

dear pops,
I wrote this poem for you
hope you liked it,its called my best friend
my best friend
when i was young i had a best friend,
our friendship no one could bend .
we were friends as thick as thieves,
our friendship would last as long as sleeves!
we would go everywhere together,
we would go to farms & play in the heather.
we would eat together,play together,talk together,walk together,
our friendship was strong,as strong as leather!!
as i grew older ,
our friendship grew colder.
i acted like i didnt care ,
but inside it was something i couldnt bare!
we were still good friends,
but our friendship needed some mends.
we still play & have lots of fun,
but unlike before we dont share a bun!
this part of the poem is the end,
and our friendship id like to mend,
so my best friend dad,
about this please dont feel bad!!

love you!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Olympus Shoot

Someone went around the house on a shoot with the Olympus....guess who

I think you know who by now ....

I rather like these next 2 of Armaan

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Alishas Birthday Cake

An amazing chocolate truffle cake made by Deepa, 
with studded with Gems and Dairy Milk Shots.

Friday, January 04, 2013

The Power of Vulnerability [ TED Talk ]

Some Thoughts

A very useful viewpoint in life is to consider most things with an AND perspective instead of Either / Or. AND is more inclusive, more embracing, and usually more productive.

Another thought was on Happiness.
The Fish is happy in his fish bowl.
Did he choose his bowl ? Unlikely. 
Is he aware of other bowls / fish tanks, their sizes, contents, denizens ?
Is it better to limit ones universe and seek contentment within that ?
How much (choice) is too much ?

Would we be happier if we set lower thresholds of expectations ? Easier to achieve. Sense of accomplishment. Instead of a lifelong striving / struggle to higher goals.