Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Insight

So driving along in Ludhiana, we stopped at a signal. A beggar came up to the window, and at first I said No and waved him off. Then reconsidered briefly, and called him back and gave him some money.

Armaan was in the car with me, and questioned me as to why I did such a thing.
I tried to explain myself saying that : "What the heck its Christmas eve, so let me be kind hearted."
He laughed at that and remarked saying : "So rest of the year you can be cruel [hard hearted ] but on one day of the year you are kind ?!"

Made me think.
A lot.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Let Sleeping Cats Lie

Pic : By Armaan on the way back from Driving Class in Mulund East.

Saturday, September 06, 2014

I can hear a squirrel chirping really loudly.  He climbs the side of my building, and at one of the corners he has discovered that his voice gets amplified as it bounces of the sheer walls.

I think he has forgotten why he was chirping in the first place,  and has begun enjoying the sound of his own voice as it reverberates through the tall and gaunt columns of the adjacent high-rise buildings under construction. It almost seems like he has begun to think himself bigger than he really is. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Heroes of our Time

I find it very interesting to note that our media influences have generated a new profile of Heroes as follows :

1) Breaking Bad wins and Emmy Award and Guinness Record of some kind as the highest watched TC series ever.

2) IMDB lists Shawshank Redemption as the highest rated [ by viewers ] movie of all time.

3) The highest rated PS3 game is Grand Theft Auto which deals with various criminal activity.

Surely this means something...

Monday, January 13, 2014