Saturday, February 07, 2015

The Kala Ghoda Festival

Was curious to check out the Annual Kala Ghoda Festival, and was interested to see all the Street Art displays, many of which you could interact with. By 6 pm in the evening it began getting really crowded and most photo ops were dwindling. Still, I got some nice ones in. Missed Alisha though....

See anyone you know in this next poster of Famous Personalities ?

This shuttered store front was NOT part of the exhibits, 
but I somehow found it ironically poetic.

An early dinner at the Bade Miya in Fort. [ over rated restaurant ]

Beautiful Building of the old brownstone ones from pre-independence.  

And then the Asiatic Library with Funters on the steps at all hours..... as Deepa remarked in a later conversation in 31 May 2015 on our way back from The Sassy Spoon  .... Is that foreshadowing ?..... perhaps not.