Monday, January 25, 2016

Armaan's Keen Eye

24-01-2016 1855 hrs

Sunset over the city.
Armaan spotted this photo-op from his bedroom window just now, and I took this with the Lumia 620.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Alisha Says


She found a birthday card addressed to me on the dining table. Read it from front to back and said :

" this card has travelled more than me. It was made in China, went to Birmingham, and then sent to India".

Monday, January 11, 2016

RiP David Bowie

Put on your Red shoes
And dance the blues
To the song they're playing. . . .on the radio. . .

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Week 01 - Jan 2016

Started the New Year by staying at home and treating ourselves to some nice home cooked food. I didn't feel the need to go out to any party, where people seem like they're trying very hard to have a good time. To be able to spend time with my family was more than good enough for me.

On the morning of 1st Jan, Deepa and I spent a relaxed day talking about how nice it feels to live in a deliberate way, consciously and un-apologetically living, loving and celebrating our lives in the way we like.

That evening we went to an open air field in Airoli to light up and send skyward our Chinese made, purchased at signal, hot air Sky Lights. It was good fun as we lit them and watched them rise, glow in the moonless night sky, catch the air current and travel along. We kept doing a tele-tubby big hug each time we sent one up -- 5 in all.

The children have made individual goal sheets and we have made ones as a family too. Last years family goal sheets were re-visited only once or twice at the start of the year, but we still managed to accomplish quite a few subconsciously.

Deepa and I have refocused our commitment on healthy eating and we're being very mindful on our diets. I am still working on my sweet cravings though, and I intend to work around that soon.

Alisha turned 14 this year. A midweek celebration at school, mostly quiet and at home. A little cake, and home delivered food.
She is growing up into a very fine and sensible young girl. I had wanted to do a vision quest hike with her, and haven't yet found the right time. Maybe a weekend sometime soon.