Saturday, September 30, 2017

Watsons Bay 1st Visit

Excited to be up and about town, the first place I went to after skimming a local travel brochure, was Watson's Bay. I had no idea what to expect, just that there was a Ferry ride involved and a Bay... So I got the Ferry from Circular Quay, it was a cool crisp breezy day, and I was thankful I'd carried a jacket as I sat on the rear deck of the Ferry watching the city go past. The engines on board were a lot more powerful than I expected, and the forward thrust as we sped away was thrilling !

A great view of the harbour bridge and the Opera house. [ Didnt want to actually go there until the gang arrives ]

I loved the vibe at the bay here, so nice and relaxed.

The cliff walk I quite chanced upon, as I wandered to where the others were going, not expecting to see what I did, and it was fantastic ! 
Coincidentally I'm reading - The Sea The Sea by Iris Murdoch, and it was like I'd stepped into the imagery of the book in some ways.

Close to the ferry pier is a tree with a roundabout and a plaque. Curious I took a closer look, half expecting a local snippet of a grand maritime story of bravery and adventure. Instead I found this. Tongue in cheek humour and a hilarious example of the simple and unsophisticated mateship of Aussie culture.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Brighton Le Sands Early Impressions

Arrival In Sydney

The daybreak on an International flight is always marvelous.
The rising sun rays you see are actually of a sun which is far below the horizon, but due to the angle of view and the planes height at 40,000 ft, you see it much before the world does.

I recall another such flight westward where I was chasing a setting Sun, and in this case I was rushing to meet a rising one eastward.

This was at 0324 hrs in the morning as we were approaching Sydney [ about 3 hours away ]. I was riding on the back of a sky-galloping Roo !

Wait, what ?! Did they just add an E before Passport ?! 
Alisha would never believe me if I told her this, better take a pic...

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bangkok Airport

Confucius say : "Man who walk sideways through airport turnstile going to Bangkok"

I know its considered poor form to experience another culture and display ones private reactions to them. And God knows I've experienced a lot of weird stuff in my own so far.

But this ?!....

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I Love Her But She Loves Someone Else

I Love Her But She Loves Someone Else - By Sting

When a man of my age shaves his face in the morning,
Who is it that stares back and greets him?
The ghost of his father long dead all these years?
Or the boy that he was, still wet in the ears?
Or the terrible sum of all of his fears,
In the eyes of this stranger who meets him?

So his glance rarely strays from his chin or his jawline,
To face up to the truth of his soul,
It's the eyes he avoids so afraid to acknowledge,
Something strange, unexpected, out of control.

There are times when a man needs to brave his reflection,
And face what he sees without fear,
It takes a man to accept his mortality,
Or be surprised by the presence of a tear.

It was only an arrangement, a practical arrangement,
I forgot the first commandment of the realist's handbook,
Don't be fooled by illusions you created yourself,
And fall in love with someone, when she loves someone else.

Like a covering of snow on a winter's night,
It glistens and it sparkles in the moonlight,
But it's gone by the morning, how quickly it melts,
You still love her but she loves someone else.

And where does that leave you?
You self-styled man of vision.
You feel stupid, you feel angry, are you losing your mind?
To destroy the one she loves, does that become your mission?
Like a pantomime villain with an axe to grind?
To regain your self-respect, hold your head up like a man,
Use the ice around your heart before it melts,
But you're not fooling anybody, you're only fooling yourself.

Like a covering of snow on a winter's night,
It glistens and it sparkles in the moonlight,
But it's gone by the morning, how quickly it melts

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Family Joke

We're sitting around talking
I said to Deepa : "youre the best"

Alisha sitting nearby says : "no second best" 
I ask: "who is the best ?" 

She says : "Jesus" 
I burst out laughing