Monday, May 07, 2007

Alisha made this poster for the SAVE THE WHALE CAMPAIGN on Greenpeace, to get Ecuador to vote against Japan resuming its whaling activity. [ May 2007 ]


UPDATE AS ON 22 JUN 07 from Greenpeace :

Whales safe for another year at International Whaling Commission

Thanks to the work and effort we've all done together, today we can say the whales won at the recent International Whaling Commission meeting!

One of the decisive points for this triumph was that, with your help, we had a majority of countries voting FOR whales and AGAINST whaling. The momentum of last year's one-vote victory for the whale-hunters was reversed.

This victory was thanks to the work of Greenpeace staff and volunteers around the world together with I-GO Campaigns and events that all of you created, like: the "Saint Valentine's at the Japanese Embassies" campaign, the "Ecuador say no to hunting" campaign and finally the "Big Blue March for whales," which began as one supporters' suggestion and became an event in 50 countries.

Thousands of people from around the world mobilized to defend whales. We've shown once again that together we can obtain real goals in our mission to defend the environment!

You are already part of this! But the more numerous we are, the more we can do.

That is why you should
invite your friends, colleagues, and everyone you know to join Greenpeace's worldwide community of online activists NOW! Forward this email to your friends and ask them to join in.

This year alone, we've stopped efforts to renew commercial whaling and we've convinced Apple to make their products greener with a phase out of dangerous chemicals: and these are but two of many, many victories we've all achieved together over the years.

Next year the IWC meeting will be in Santiago, Chile. There is much to do before then, and a ways to go to secure a long-term victory for the whales. We must continue strengthening our numbers. Please
do what you can to help: the whales need you!

1 comment:

lakshman said...

Hi Kevin.. Alisha is going to be the next big thing after MF Hussain... Please ensure you keep one of her paintings as a "pre-launch" booking for me... (I am seriuos). She has real eye for detail... was impressed by her "panasonic" on the TV in her drawing !