Monday, June 18, 2007

The break up with Natalie

The sky isn't always blue
The sun doesn't always shine
It's alright to fall apart sometimes
[ Robert Miles & Maria Nayler - One & One ]

Things haven’t really been the best between Natalie [ Portman ] and me lately.

I’ve left over a hundred messages on her answering machine, she doesnt reply to my emails, and after the restraining order that came by post last week, I’ve decided to call it quits.

I’d begun feeling that things had gotten too one sided……..

If you’ve watched GARDEN STATE you’d know how cute she was especially in that scene where she does her “totally original thing that no one else in the world has ever done”.

We had a manic week gone past, no maid, driver disappeared and both of us had a schedule like a pizza delivery boy. Plus Armaan new at school, and Alisha on differing timings so drops, pick-ups, between the school office and day care was maddening.

But my outlook is looking better now with the weekend ahead........

* Reaches for and opens 7th beer *

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