Tuesday, June 01, 2010

ODE TO MY TORCH - By Kevin Green


As you lay, upon the shelf
'Twas then that I first knew
That I must soon possess you
In shiny Red NOT Blue.

Your curvy frame
and sturdy grip
To me they were quite plain.
For what I loved
about you most
Was not second but MAIN.

The way you blinked
Once ON then OFF
It took away my breath
Your tiny bulb and shiny face
Will haunt me till my death.

We left the store
just you and I
and couldn't wait till night
As soon as we got home that eve
I switched off all the lights.

With trembling hand 
I held you up
And softly clicked your switch
But not a gleam or beam you gave
You naughty little bitch !!


Deepa Iyengar said...

I see you haven't lost your touch Pard...too bad the torch was unfaithful :)

Stanley D'cunha said...

blue works for me, kevin!