Monday, September 24, 2012

Quotes from the Grapes of Wrath

…. dogs whose breeds had been blurred by a freedom of social life, …...


How can we live without our lives? How will we know it's us without our past? No. Leave it. Burn it.


Wanta be a hell of a guy all the time.  But, goddamn it, Al, don' keep ya guard up when nobody ain't sparrin' with ya. You  gonna be all right."


 Jesus Christ, one person with their mind made up can shove a lot of folks aroun'! - [ Tom Joad on his Ma ]
The walls decorated with posters, bathing girls, blondes with big breasts and slender hips and waxen faces, in white bathing suits, and holding a bottle of Coca-Cola and smiling—see what you get with a Coca-Cola.


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