Monday, February 13, 2006

A Startling Discovery !

Based on a recent field trip by one of our studio's leading freelance scientific naturalist, we are excited to announce that now more than ever, we are convinced of mans decent being linked not to ape origin but to amphibious roots.

In this most remarkable study conducted by Dr. V C Girubhai, he has shown us a clipping of this rare amphibious species which may hold the key to unravelling our history, and possbily - our purpose here on this planet !

Toad Noxious is largely a nocturne, coming out during the cool hours of the night to scamper around in water bodies, to feed, hunt and mate.

Here is a picture from the most recent study, filmed under very diffcult circumstances, using advanced photogrammetery and infra-red equipment ( courtesy Greenman studios ).

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