Saturday, December 01, 2007


Wait for the slideshow to load.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Alisha asked me yesterday why some people cut the hair on the top of their head but leave only some at the side and the back.

"Is it a Punjabi style ?" she asked. [ She was referring to balding people ]

Monday, October 22, 2007

Dussehra [ Light over darkness ]

Darkness [ evil = ignorance ] is merely the absence of light., shine light to dispel darkness. – Shakti Gawain.
To be seized of and possessed by a creative impulse so strong and powerful that it surpasses the vessel that contains it. And that what it goes on to produce is something so fantastic that it serves to be a source of inspiration for generations after that.

Such is what I want the purpose of my life to be. Such are my thoughts on inspiration and life’s purpose [ while listening to Alison Moyet – Love letters, and my inspiration to make a music VDO to that. ]

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Deepa & the cubs went off on their annual visit to Louisiana. Stopover in Delhi and onward to Mussoorie with the Bidanis [ Dilip, Anju, Shiv & Rishi ].

I was holding the fort at Hyderabad so ended up I missing out on some fun stuff.

Monday, October 15, 2007


It is in the nature of TRUTH to be rooted in subjectivity and thus self-contradictory. It follows that no such thing as a "Universal Truth" can exist.

– Kevin Green Hyd. October 2007

Sunday, October 07, 2007

The School Re-Union

There are places I remember
all my life,
Though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone and some remain.

[ Beatles - In My Life ]

I attended a school mates re-union in the last week of July. About 50 of us from different parts if India / the globe, met up at the Alma Mater in Pune, and spent a good part of 3 days catching-up with each other, reminiscing, and basically becoming kids once more.
The official term for ex-students at Bishops is “Old Boys”, and that should tell you something.

We had a terrific time as we met up with old teachers, our ex-principal & his wife who was the head mistress. Played basket ball / volley ball with the present kids, who seemed like bachhas compared to when we were at school. But then all guys feel that way I guess.

20 years is a long time to catch up; but what made it easier is that most of us could pick up where we left off last.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Papikonda is a wild life sanctuary which starts in the foothills of the Eastern Ghats, and runs right along the leg of it, as it feeds the mighty Godavari river.

We made a trip there once more, as I had wanted Deepa & the kids to also experience it.
We had a great time, although we all got pretty exhausted by the end of it.

here are some pics.

[ WAIT FOR THE SLIDESHOW TO LOAD. Depending on your connection speed;
Dial Up Approx 56 secs, Broadband 4 secs, ADSL /Cable 9 secs ]

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Butter Fly

Hampton Court Palace -England 1547

His Majesty - King Edward VI paced across the room. He stopped to glance wistfully out of the window at some children playing in the rose gardens below.

All of 10 years old, and crowned King at such a young age, he took his role very seriously. Little did he realize that behind the scenes, his uncle Edward Seymour and a council of regency oversaw all matters of the state and thus the kingdom was ruled.

The then Archbishop of Canterbury - Thomas Cranmer, keen to separate from Papal authority and the influence of Rome, began to write and re-write important public documents which he thought would greatly impact the gentry at large and help to unify certain cultural and religious practices.

Amongst these, was his personal favourite - that of creating the first documented list of all words that were to be found in the English language.
Whilst noble and lofty were his ideals, he had to get the King’s seal of approval for each of these, without which they could not be decreed.

And the young King Edward, was turning out to be a bigger snot-nosed brat than he had imagined.

“Sire”, he began – “there is this matter of the lingua-compendium which we simply must complete before the French produce theirs.”

Bringing up the French angle he thought would spur the young heir to grant approval. If there was anything the English hated more than its weather during these troubled days, it was the French.

“Alright Tommy”, said the monarch “but you need to do it the way I say.”

The Archbishop cringed inwardly. Firstly he hated the way he called him “Tommy”, and he also knew where this was headed.

The last time they sat down at this, they got stuck at the letter B.

The young King in his infantile exuberance, began calling a Flutter-by as a Butter-Fly.
The Archbishop already knew that in Rome these creatures were being called Sbattimento Vicino, [ trans. - flutter by ], but little Edward would not yield.

He paced across the room once more, then with his hands on his hips, pulling himself up as tall as he could, he pouted his lips and said –

“Tommy, you shall name it – ‘BUTTER-FLY’ or you can take this compendium of yours and stick it right up your bottom !”

“Indeed, your Majesty”… said the Archbishop as he bowed low, turned briskly and left the room, thinking murderous thoughts all the way until he reached his chambers.

Monday, July 16, 2007

No. 12, Silver Oak

We are happy to announce that at 7 am on the 7th of July 2007, [] we did our Grh Pravesh, and we are now the proud owners of No 12, Silver Oak, Cherlapally, Hyderabad.

The ride has been a challenging one, and when we took the plunge 18 months ago, little did we know what we were really in for.
But as with all things we do, it has come out really well, we are proud of ourselves.

And everyone’s invited !

Sunday, July 01, 2007


We celebrated ARMAAN’s birthday this year with all the Methodist colony kids.

Armaan got a shiny new red bike for his birthday which he simply loves. And for the next few days got away with a lot of mischief saying “I’m the birthday boy !”

Alisha got him a little digital watch and he was thrilled to bits. Feeling all big now.

In the same vein we tried to get him to give up his “du-du” bottle, but he’s thinking about that one…..

Monday, June 25, 2007


On 17th june 2007 I took this picture from one side of the lake. What was amazing was that the same location but from 2 other sides, 2 other people took pictures, all 3 of us doing so in less than 24 hrs ! The funniest part was that on of the guys lives in the green building on the LHS. See this link

Spooky rating 6/10

Monday, June 18, 2007

The 17th June Shoot Pics

The break up with Natalie

The sky isn't always blue
The sun doesn't always shine
It's alright to fall apart sometimes
[ Robert Miles & Maria Nayler - One & One ]

Things haven’t really been the best between Natalie [ Portman ] and me lately.

I’ve left over a hundred messages on her answering machine, she doesnt reply to my emails, and after the restraining order that came by post last week, I’ve decided to call it quits.

I’d begun feeling that things had gotten too one sided……..

If you’ve watched GARDEN STATE you’d know how cute she was especially in that scene where she does her “totally original thing that no one else in the world has ever done”.

We had a manic week gone past, no maid, driver disappeared and both of us had a schedule like a pizza delivery boy. Plus Armaan new at school, and Alisha on differing timings so drops, pick-ups, between the school office and day care was maddening.

But my outlook is looking better now with the weekend ahead........

* Reaches for and opens 7th beer *

Sunday, June 17, 2007

And now the Storage Meter has gone Goodbye

This week Yahoo has discontinued its storage meter, so now emails & attachments can be stored forever without filling up your mailbox.

Guess where thats going to take my housekeeeping......

Monday, June 04, 2007

I like to wave at them . . .

Elizabeth : "There will come a moment when you will have a chance …..To do the right thing. "
Capt Jack Sparrow : " I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by. "
[ Excerpt from the motion picture The Pirates of The Caribbean ]

Hi there

In the last 6 months it seems I’ve discovered Dylan, and I think his music is pure genius. Amongst others who are in the genius league [ in my opinion ] include Bjork & DMB.

Meanwhile, its nearing the end of summer here, and all the good film releases are happening just before the kids resume school in 3 days. Theres POT - Carribbean, Shrek 3, Mr Bean on Holiday. All great characters, loved by the cubs and me as well. I think Capt Jack Sparrow is the next best thing after Tyler Durden.

So much for my media obsessions.

The seeds of competition are sown in sibling rivalry. This observation I have made, prior to having my own [ cubs ], and my case is now strengthening this pet theory.
If you have a set of your own [ cubs or siblings ], you’d know what I mean.

I was in Bangalore last week, only to find that it is imploding. And as is always the case with inhabitants of metros, they rationalize their existence there by seeking heightened levels of creature-comforts to help them dull their senses to the truth they wont acknowledge.
You know what I mean right ? Then again, maybe not…….

Monday, May 21, 2007


Gopadri, Northern Indian Peninsula - Circa 2nd Century

The hot summer’s day had left the soil, pebbles, trees and wood still throbbing with heat. What remained of the little light in the sky was just enough to get the cattle back to the sheds. All around, the village was settling down for the evening.

Most of the men were washing off the mud from the field, cleaning their tools, as they did themselves. The women were preparing the firewood for the evening meal.

This was Hari’s favorite time of the day. Throughout the day he lay beneath the shade of the mango tree by the dirt track that ran onward to Dilli. Once every few hours as a cart passed by with its hot and tired travelers, they would stop there for their noonday meal, to refresh and rest, as they would continue on their way before dusk.

He would befriend them, and help them water the bullocks, and give directions. Then he would sit with them and talk for a while. Asking them where they came from, what the places were like, what events had transpired on their journey thus far.

Some spoke of the kingdom they came from. About the courtesans, the town gossip, minor battles with neighbouring kingdoms. Local sport and hunting episodes, customs and traditions. Hari was a keen listener and absorbed all this.

By the end of the day he’d heard enough to narrate a full 2 hours worth after the evening meal. His vivid flair for story telling had recently begun to capture the imagination of young and old alike. “The flavour, not the facts” is what Hari believed people wanted. He was right.

It was now the season of Chaitra and since the Paush season last year he had begun telling his stories. Vibrant tales that he heard from travelers as they passed through.
It had now become a regular feature each evening, for the townsfolk to gather around the Pipal tree, as they sat around on the sun-baked dung spread thin on the ground.

Today was going to be special thought Hari excitedly. Just last week his friend Bhole the cow herd had crafted a new flute from the bamboo reeds, and it had produced a most delightful range of notes. Bhole had suggested that today’s story be told with more drama than usual, and the addition of some music during the session. Hari was hesitant at first then excited. “Do you think they’ll like it ?” he asked, half knowing the answer before the words were out of his mouth.

That night was like no other they had ever had. The night sky was their stage, the full-moon their lighting, and the crickets and the owls the ambient sounds. Bhole’s flute recital thrilled the villagers at each stage of the story. At first, somber then trilling, melancholic and wistful, then fiery and piercing like the battle conch.

The villagers spoke of it for many days after that, and had begun to warm up to Hari now, more friendly and eager for the next episode.

Mumbai, Western India - Present Day
He woke up suddenly to the loud air horn of the local train as it passed by, causing the old building to tremble and his small shanty room to rumble. He knew it was the 1.40 am Virar fast, as the motorman did that every night as he passed through.

“I must find a better flat" he told himself.... Then remembered that he was but a scriptwriter churning out trashy scripts for B grade Hindi movies. The pay was like the industry, cheap and common.

Somewhere from the dark recesses of his mind, Hari comforted himself knowing that the roots to his profession lay not in this mass produced entertainment industry that was Mumbai.

The source he thought to himself, was deeper, ……pristine, ……and as far back as time itself. The coming together of storyteller, musician & audience was part of the very fabric of human existence. The need was eternal, the imagination ever flowing.

Only the telling had changed.

Monday, May 07, 2007


Last month was busy interacting and networking with batchmates from school.
Batch of 1986-87 at Bishop's in Pune, as we've decided that its been 20 years and we should have a reunion ! Its been fixed for the end of July this year, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Its been great fun catching up with old buddies, and seeing how much some have changed [ or not ].

Meanwhile since summer is in full-swing, we've begun our amphibious activities once more, and Alisha's target is to learn swimming by the end of summer. She's really going at it and being brave and determined. Armaan too is giving it a shot.

Armaan has become a regular chatter box, and some of the words he says are so unique to him that we havent had the heart to correct them.

for example :

Sofa = Fofa, Limca = Linka ..........stuff like that.........

Summer vacations are really tough to keep them busy, and Alisha has been producing art by the kilo. So i got her to make a poster protesting for Greenpeace [ who i support ] against Japan restarting its whaling activity.

You can view the campaign and Alish's art here :

And being a big fan of ROB on POGO [ which kid isnt ] of MAD fame.... she made this for him, scanned and sent it to him. See the image here :


As we were coming back yesterday in the car, we got stuck in a particularly bad traffic jam, with trucks on either side, blowing thick black smoke.

It was just Armaan and me, and he let rip a smelly one.

The windows were rolled up since the A/c was on, and i was now faced with the dilemma of rolling them down and getting monoxide poisoning from the trucks or staying as is with the H2S in the car [ i dowsed the car lighter lest we blew up ]. Well what can i say ? He's my son......

This got me thinking to another situation -


What if, in the car its just you and your boss, and you get wind of a stinker, and you know its not you. Do you keep a straight face and pretend nothing happened, or roll down the window at the risk of of offending him, as he'd know you know.

What would you do ?

[ Best answer wins a year long supply Of CREAM BELL icecream ]


Alisha made this one for ROB from POGO TV [ who does the M.A.D creative art show. ] and scanned and emailed it to him.


This is the reply she got from him :

Hi Alisha,

Welcome to MAD! Thanks for taking an interest in my programme and writing back to me. It’s great that the artist in you loves every moment of Music Art and Dance. Let me know what you love about my show and what I can do make it even more thrilling for you! Send me your creative ideas, suggestions and feedback and together we’ll make even more exciting things than you can possibly imagine! From now on I’ll send you regular updates of MAD programmes. Thanks for sending me your very cute greeting! It’s very nice! Keep up the good work! I get tons of artwork from kids all over India , and I can’t put up all of it on the board. But I love getting it so keep sending me your work!

This Sunday the 17th of June, it’s time to go exploring in the jungle, so let’s start with spotting diverse and fascinating birds with a bird watching expert. Later watch me make a chameleon with an interesting weaving technique, and a bird house for your chirpy little friends. Make your own flying insects and try and spot me in our big jungle picture! So come walk on the wild side - only on Camp MA.D !!

Jab Mad hai to sab cool hai!


Alisha made this poster for the SAVE THE WHALE CAMPAIGN on Greenpeace, to get Ecuador to vote against Japan resuming its whaling activity. [ May 2007 ]


UPDATE AS ON 22 JUN 07 from Greenpeace :

Whales safe for another year at International Whaling Commission

Thanks to the work and effort we've all done together, today we can say the whales won at the recent International Whaling Commission meeting!

One of the decisive points for this triumph was that, with your help, we had a majority of countries voting FOR whales and AGAINST whaling. The momentum of last year's one-vote victory for the whale-hunters was reversed.

This victory was thanks to the work of Greenpeace staff and volunteers around the world together with I-GO Campaigns and events that all of you created, like: the "Saint Valentine's at the Japanese Embassies" campaign, the "Ecuador say no to hunting" campaign and finally the "Big Blue March for whales," which began as one supporters' suggestion and became an event in 50 countries.

Thousands of people from around the world mobilized to defend whales. We've shown once again that together we can obtain real goals in our mission to defend the environment!

You are already part of this! But the more numerous we are, the more we can do.

That is why you should
invite your friends, colleagues, and everyone you know to join Greenpeace's worldwide community of online activists NOW! Forward this email to your friends and ask them to join in.

This year alone, we've stopped efforts to renew commercial whaling and we've convinced Apple to make their products greener with a phase out of dangerous chemicals: and these are but two of many, many victories we've all achieved together over the years.

Next year the IWC meeting will be in Santiago, Chile. There is much to do before then, and a ways to go to secure a long-term victory for the whales. We must continue strengthening our numbers. Please
do what you can to help: the whales need you!

Friday, April 06, 2007


When you're married to someone for eternity, what does it matter when you began the journey ?

– Kevin Green Hyd. April 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


We went to Shirdi last weekend.

Spirituality in a can.
Packaged, convenient, cost effective, guilt-free and low calorie.

Right up there along with bottled drinking water, instant noodles, lays chips, ambica agarbatti and the rest.

AP Tourism offers the bus ride there and back, with hotel accommodation on arrival, trashy telugu films on board the bus, and Sai Baba bhajans at bed time and on awakening.

I went thru the motions, but couldn’t really “feel” much. Look out for my forthcoming paper to be released sometime next month titled :


Meanwhile here are two random images from my collection for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


1) Isn’t "Multiple Centres" an oxymoron ? I saw this on the back of a bus advertising NIIT.

2) Last month I read a report about the lowering of HIV incidence if circumcised; this research was published by Dr Kevin De Cock who is currently a Director at WHO. I mean how did he ever get through the early years at school ?!

3) Isn’t it weird that we get Financial ratings and reports from a company called Standard & Poor and another called Moody’s !

4) 2 days back on the front page of the local rag - Deccan Chronicle [ toilet paper posing as a newspaper ] they carried an article about 55 jawans killed by naxals somewhere in Chattisgarh who were drunken and snoozing. Meanwhile, front page news is about cricket pak Coach Wollmer’s death and a pic of Yuvraj singh goofing about with a tennis ball.

In some countries, 55 people killed would be a National Tragedy. [ 37 killed in London Bomb blasts, Tony Blair acted like it was the end of the world ].

5) In December last year our idiot CM opposed the placement of the stautory warning of a skull and cross bones on beedie packs, as he thought they would hurt public sentiment. The tobacco lobby is very powerful in India [ 2nd largest producer in the world ] and particularly Andhra, which accounts for more than 80% of total production when clubbed with Karnataka & Gujarat.

The CM of AP refused to place the Statutory warning of skull and cross bones on Beedie packs. Speaking of which, you absolutely Must watch this brilliant and hilarious movie called Thank You For Smoking.

6) Now how do you explain Various B school bozos from Univ of Texas & Virginia coming to meet thief and village bumkin Lalu Prasad Yadav. And back home IIM-A inviting him to lecture.

I mean he has more criminal and corruption cases against him than he has white hair on his head. And he is now being credited with turning around the Indian Railways, [ while his relatives are detained for travel without a valid ticket ].

It’s a well known fact that anyone with half a brain and the support of a bunch of hyper intelligent IAS officers can achieve wonders in this country. This goon has actually set-back Bihar by a 100 years. And it is so true that Public memory is very short, but shameful that educational institues should use him for a role model when there are so many others who are far more accomplished and genuine.
Times are really weird when villians become our heroes and this country cannot wake up and open its eyes to the truth.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Bornholm, Northern Europe - Circa 6th Century BC

Helga groaned as she saw the returning men, as yet faint indistinct forms outlined against the windy snow-covered landscape. In a few minutes they would be knocking on her door expecting some food. They invariably came to her house after each hunting expedition. If they had success, the mood would be upbeat and boisterous with stories of the hunt. If not, they would sit around sullenly as they drank deep from their jugs of brew.

Hans, her husband, was the smelter of the tribe. After they left the warm plains of the Rhine, the tribe wanted to move further northward. Helga wanted to go back, but Djork – The Elder, wouldn’t let them. Hans had to go where they went; he played a useful part in the tribe.
Although most of the things he smelted were misshapen; Helga found some way to put them to good use. Why, just a few moons ago he was inspired by the shell of a turtle which he had seen and attempting to make a battle shield, he produced this huge concavity which was too rounded and heavy for battle.

Helga was a practical woman, she hung this over the fire, slung over two sticks. In this she had poured some water and watched how it came to a boil. Back home, all the other women in the tribe thought she was strange and spoke of her in hushed tones as she passed them each day while collecting twigs in the woods. But she didn’t care for what they thought.

When she was alone at home, she would keep throwing stuff into the boiling pot, and watched excitedly as the colour of the water changed, and it thickened or thinned depending on what she threw in; yesterday it was some forest root, today it was pieces of meat. Each night after the fire died down, the pot would simmer and cool down, and by morning it would be coagulated into some semi-thick liquid, which she would taste with her fingertip. The freezing temperature prevented it from spoiling, and each morning when she relit the fire, she would see the pot steaming and wonder what she could throw in today.

This was really exciting for her, as she knew of nobody in the tribe or even neighboring tribes who had ever tried something like this.

And each day the liquid became more aromatic and richer in flavour, till at last one day she took a hollowed out walnut shell and dipped it in the liquid and took a deep sip. “Shhhrroop”, came the sound as she sucked it out of the shell.

That was 2 full moons ago, and now all her husbands friends would come over after a hunt each day to drink of this refreshing hot drink which Helga had begun making. She had refined the mixture of ingredients by now, and could recreate the same thing again and again.

Today, was going to be an important day, as she saw that Hans had brought along Fragn, the warrior chief. As they all settled down and began warming themselves by the fire, Helga poured out some of the hot liquid into a mug and handed it over to Fragn, who looked at it doubtfully. As he put it to his lips, the first sip scalded his tongue and made him wince, but as he took a second sip, he sucked in some air as he drank, to cool the hot liquid.
“Hmm Helga, this tastes good ! What is it ?”

She hesitated for a second, and then said - “Shoop”.
Because that’s what it sounded like, and that’s what she thought it should be called.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Moula Ali

Chim-Chimney Chim-Chimney Chim-Chim Cheroo
I does wha' I likes
And I likes wha' I do . . . .

- Bert from the OST of Mary Poppins

The dargah at Moula Ali is a shrine of Hazrat Ali, and that is as much as I know about this place.

Located approx 400 ft atop a massive rounded outcrop of granite rock, it has steps hewn into the side of the rock to get to the top. Worth the climb for the effort and increase in BMR as well as the view from up there. Fairly deserted all week long owing to it being on the outskirts of the city, as well as the climb can make you huff and puff a fair amount.

I went there early Saturday morning 0640 hrs 4th Mar 2007, and heres what I came back with.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007


It has been my observation as a parent of 2 cubs, that boogers can be broadly classified into 3 varieties.

1) CRUNCHY BLACK : As the name suggests, these are black in colour, generally dry, and crumbly-brittle in texture. [Some of the more unscrupulous critters even make a crunchy snack of this.] Generally found at the edge of the nostril flapping in and out with each inhalation and exhalation.

2) GUMMY BOOGERS : These are brownish green in colour, semi-dry, and have the binding capability of industrial strength super-glue. I can testify to this use as I have personally used this to stick together a wooden knob on a drawer, as well as seal courier packages, fix the leather in-sole and broken pieces of crystalware.

3) NEBULOUS GLOBS : These present themselves as neither solid nor liquid, and are tricky shape-shifters. Slimy to feel, they can travel down the nasal tract as well as upward and down into the gullet if they feel threatened or cornered. These little devils are best handled at the bathroom sink with plenty of soap and water.

And while on the subject, heres a pic contributed by Stanley D'cunha :

Now, enough of booger talk.

Post my miserable cough, the doctor suggested I do a full and complete examination with a bunch of tests now that I’m 35 years old and all….. “To check the general condition of your body and plan for long term treatment of the asthma.”

I’ll say this about the staff in the pathology dept of private hospitals :

You are not a person to them.

You are a piece of meat that must be prodded, covered in gooey gel, pierced, drained, probed and pumped with radiation.

Anyway, judging from the reports it turns out I was happily eating myself to a massive myocardial infarction.

Those jerks behind the KFC counter don’t tell you what they put into their yummy “Original Recipe”, but it seems my Cholesterol and Liver enzymes have been having a rave party of their own. Not to mention the Left Atrial enlargement of my poor (broken) heart !!

So while in my head I was developing my diet and exercise programme for the next 3 months, heres some pics I managed to produce this week.


KG Original Thought

Spontaneity is the origin of creativity, and appreciation is its culmination.

The biggest challenge to creativity is NOT the lack of it or of inspiration. But the appreciation, nuturance and encouragement of it.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


This first one is a Random Image for your viewing pleasure.


In a side lane in ABIDS [ the shopping district in Hyderabad ], there is this guy who sells the prettiest dresses you can imagine.

And he operates right on the street, in a space of 50 sft !! But his product display and Visual Merchandising beats the best of the Malls anytime.



In the Cantonment part of Secunderabad there exist many Colonial Style Army buildings which were made during the British Raj.

Some are still in use, some are now abandoned and in ruins.

Legend has it that my (in)famous grandfather, in his days of hot blooded youth has served time with the British Army as well as done time in a prison cell at Trimulgherry. [ For desertion ! ]

Anyway, these here are from the ruins of one of these buildings of what I fancy may have once been the residence of his Commanding Officer.


